Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Right now

Last week Stan and I took a quick camping trip to Lost Maples State Natural Area. I say quick because those kind of trips are just never long enough. It took me three days to simply stop asking the time. It took that long for right now to become the only answer I really needed.  There is something about being small in a big place. Standing next to large rocks and old trees. The sound of water bubbling up from the earth. The feeling of Fall in the air. Meals cooked over fire. Feeling the ground under your feet as you stand completely still and just breathe it all in. There is nothing like night sounds and falling asleep stargazing through a tent window. Standing in the midst of that kind of beauty, I can only thank the Artist. We should all be humbled this way more often. 

You know it is going to be a good hike when you see this half a mile in.

The flowers wore their party dresses.

If this picture only had audio.

The famous Lost Maples beginning their transformation.

Whenever we thought we were lost, we came across a cairn. I smiled  every time.

Big rocks. Great big rocks.

This beauty grew on a bed of rock.  And we think growth is difficult.

Rocks, trees, and water. These are a few of my favorite things.
I wish you a Fall filled with cool nights, crackling fires, sweet solitude, and appreciation of all blessings, big and small.

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