Friday, July 15, 2011

What if?

I ask a lot of questions. I always have, and hopefully always will. Lately, those questions have all begun with What if...  I like What if...questions. I believe any kind of change, whether personal or global, takes root in someone asking What if...

Here are a few of my mine:

What if I acted like I truly believe God saved me and set me apart through His Son, Jesus Christ?

What if I acted like I truly believe He does not give me a spirit of fear?

What if I acted like I truly believe love never fails?

What if I acted like I truly believe I am empowered by the Holy Spirit Who dwells inside of me?

What if I acted like I truly believe to die is to truly live?

These are questions I've been asking of myself lately. They are hard questions only because I find my actions are not always a true reflection of my beliefs. And if I call myself a Christian, but my words and actions don't accurately portray something of the character of Christ, then I need to do more than ask questions, I need to start living some answers. Saying I'm forgiven just isn't enough for me anymore. Living like I am is a good start.

1 comment:

jonesap said...

well spoken, my friend.