Monday, February 14, 2011

Love, love, love...

I have never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. It has always felt a tad bit overly emphasized, too fabricated. Forced. Manic, even. People just seem to try to hard. And when I was younger, I was never on the receiving end of flowers or some sort of sweet romantic gesture from an admirer. I suppose if there was any admiring going on, it was happening very quietly and at a great a distance. I always secretly hoped to be someone's special someone and I always secretly grieved over the fact that I wasn't special to anyone. Valentine's Day definitely doesn't favor the lonely and longing.

But somewhere along the way my deep longing and loneliness began to fade. I know it began around the time I began to wrap my head around the fact that God longs for me. He loved me first and will love me always. That kind of love can heal some deep wounds. That kind of love transforms and transcends.It allows a person to enjoy human relationships for what they are--love given and received by humans. Flawed humans.The same ones who may turn around and forget our birthday, overlook us, get too busy, or simply be ready for change in their life--a change that may mean less of you. Change happens, but love is constant if we love the way God intends us to love. We, humans, just make it harder than it has to be.

But when we get it right, we are the living breathing extension of God's love. We are tight arms around bent shoulders. We are silent tears wept with deep compassion because words just can't cut it. We are present even from a distance. We are grace and mercy. We are Church because we know we are Loved. Wounds are healed because we let ourselves love. And the first heart healed may be our own.

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