The following things drive me crazy. I have been guilty of several of them at some point in my life.
1. The sound of people eating ice.
2. The repeated sound of popping gum.
3. Men with deep voices who talk too loudly.
4. The sound of styrofoam being cut or pretty much manipulated in anyway.
5. Cars with bass so loud they can be heard before they are seen.
6. People (women) who use "I'm sorry" as punctuation.
7. Passive Aggressiveness.
8. One-uppers.
9. Obviously unhealthy people who tell me running is going to ruin my knees or that they just can't run. Funny, neither could I when I started.
10. Cashiers who don't greet customers. I was one so I know the protocal.
#5 is rapidly getting to be my #1 - especially with windows down and BLARING curse word raps. It gives me very unchristian-like impulses to shove those speakers somewhere...
Love it. #1 is what my favorite thing in the world to do and I can't stop, even when I'm around you :D I love your ice!
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